SEO Keyword List Manager

Organize all your favorite keywords with our Keyword List Manager

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SEO Keyword List Manager

What can you do?

Organize thematic lists of keyword
Organize thematic lists of keyword
Collect and manage your keywords
Collect and manage your
favorite keywords
Share your list with your collaborators
Share your list with your

Easily manage your lists

Managing keyword lists is a challenging task. Save the best keywords with a simple click and boost your productivity. Let the Keyword List Manager take care of the boring stuff.
Easily manage your lists
Organize your favorite keyword in one place

Organize your favorite keyword in one place

Collect up to 1000 keywords in the way that you prefer. Import them by uploading a file .csv, copy and paste or write them one at time.Work however you want.

Keep every metrics under control

You will always be able to get a complete overview of your work. Analyze metrics such as search volume, CPC and difficulty of the entire list or individual keywords.
Keep every metrics under control
Share your work in 1 click

Share your work in 1 click

Instantly export your lists in .csv to work on a calculation file or import them to Google Keyword Planner. Send your list to your collaborators or clients with a simple click. Generate a sharing link and send it by email.

What people says?

Backed by big numbers

Our tools help thousands of Web agencies , E-commerce, and Marketers to get found online.
Backlink Data.
+1.4 billions
Historical keywords
Crawled Pages.
+10 milions
Of SEO Analysis every year
Users all around the world.
+500K users
All around the world

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